Our 2024-25 season theme: It's a Big Deal

Wide shot from the 2024 meeting at the Mann

This year we will be diving into a variety of crucial topics and exciting developments. With the 2024-25 season theme, It's a Big Deal, we will look at trends, issues, and projects that will shape life in our region for years to come.

Our first program will actually come in September, on the 25th, due to our usual first Wednesday of October schedule conflicting with the Jewish High Holy Days. As usual, we'll launch the season outdoors at the Mann Center, with a program on It's a Big Deal: Fixing Our Democracy. Welcoming local experts Lauren Cristella, the president and CEO of the Committee of Seventy, and Amy Widestrom, executive director of the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania to help us grasp all the moving parts of the effort to protect the vote in Pennsylvania in this election year and beyond. Cristella and Widestrom lead the nonprofits that have long been at the center of efforts to combat voter suppression and gerrymandering while promoting reforms such as open primaries, ranked-choice voting, voter education, and campaign finance reform.

In November, we'll be back at the Fitler Club for the first of our three visits there during the season.  Our guest emcee will be Maiken Scott, host of WHYY's wonderful program, The Pulse. She'll introduce us to some of the people who are making that evening's theme, It's a Big Deal: How Philly Science Is Improving Our Lives, a reality.

In December, we'll have a holiday-themed event that will be more about fun and networking than huge issues. Russ Starke of Think Company, a board member, has generously offered to host us that evening at his company's sleek, comfortable, and way-cool space in Center City.

The rest of the season is still taking shape, but we know we'll be at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia in February (hat tip to board member Elizabeth Reilly of the Fed), back at Fitler in March and April, then wrap up the season once again at the Mann in May (thanks again to board member and the Mann CEO Catharine Cahill). 

Topics under consideration include climate change, housing prices, the big projects remaking the face of Philadelphia, and what it means that our state is led by one of the hottest young politicians in the land.

Looking forward to another season of connection and learning together!


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